German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Profilbild Pinkwart
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Computer Science

Computer Science Education / Computer Science and Society

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Prof. Pinkwart’s research group investigates a range of topics including adaptive educational technologies, computer supported collaborative learning, computer science education methods (especially in the fields of programming and modeling), social media and cooperative systems, and socio-technical systems. In addition, they develop multimodal human-computer interaction methods using interactive surfaces, mobile devices and 3D technologies. Prof. Pinkwart is a well-known member of numerous national and international committees and projects in basic and applied research. His team can offer specialised expertise in computer-assisted education and training, especially in the field of mobile and ubiquitous learning and teaching scenarios, computer-based group learning methods, and adaptive mechanisms in e-learning. In this context, Prof. Pinkwart and his team realise numerous research projects and co-operate with several educational institutions and companies. Concerning socio-technical systems, Prof. Pinkwart’s team conducts research on issues of design, implementation and evaluation of group-oriented software applications (e.g. online communities).

Scientific Services
  • interactive table (multi-touch)
  • electronic boards
  • tablets (20x)
  • co-operation with IT companies: consulting for didactical concepts applied to online courses in the fields of media production and e-learning
  • co-operation with e-learning companies: formation of study groups in large online courses
  • co-operation with automotive supplier: designing human-machine interfaces for production machines 
  • co-operation with automotive manufacturer: multimodal control concepts for car infotainment systems