
Profilbild Robert Jäschke
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Department of Library and Information Science

Information Processing and Analytics

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workshop on the analysis of Twitter data for Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)


Professor Jäschke and his team develop and optimize methods in the areas of Big Data and Machine Learning, especially in the aplication fields of Natural Language Processing, Social Bookmarking and Recommendation Systems. This includes the Collection (e.g. through focussed Crawling), Compilation, Annotation (e.g. by means of Crowdsourcing) and Curation of suitable records (data sets).

Further, it includes the Adaptation and Improvement  of appropriate Algorythms (e.g. Named Entity Recognition, Classification, Clustering, Information Extraction, etc.) culminating in the development of web-based analysis platforms.

Scientific Services
  • Hadoop-Cluster
  • GPU calculator
  • diverse datasets