Popular, Leisure & Competitive Sports

Profilbild Legerlotz
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Sports Sciences

Department of Training and Movement Sciences

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Olympic Centre Berlin (Olympiastützpunkt Berlin)


Professor Legerlotz is head of the Movement Biomechanics research group in the Department of Training and Movement Sciences. The research team focuses on different aspects of tendon adaptation. This includes the adaptation of connective tissues to strain in general and also the emergence, rehabilitation and prevention of tendon injuries in particular. Current research analyses the effect of changing hormone levels on the mechanical properties of the female tendon and training interventions that are used to treat athletes with tendinopathy.

Scientific Services

The departments offers three large laboratories with modern sports science equipment:

  • Motion Analysis Laboratory with a VICON system including twelve cameras and three AMTI force plates. Both the foundations of the force platforms as well as the camera mounts are decoupled from the sports ground of the laboratory to prevent the transmission of vibrations.
  • Force Diagnostic Laboratory with DAVID and Technogym strength diagnostics equipment for all major muscle groups
  • EMG laboratory with a Biodex System-3 and an Esaote ultrasound machine, which is used to study the muscle-tendon plasticity. To control the joint angle at the Biodex camera, mounts are available for installing eight VICON cameras. A large LCD-Screen provides the possibility for biofeedback.

All labs are air-conditioned and are equipped with an uninterruptible power supply and complete darkening.

Various projects with Olympic Centre Berlin (Olympiastützpunkt Berlin), from training adaptation to injury prophylaxis

Profilbild Schneider
© Falk Weiß
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Geography


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The team of Christoph Schneider works on the impacts of climate and climate change in the field of urban climates and in the field of cryospheric sciences (anything related to snow and ice). His expertise comprises the downscaling of meteorological respectively climatological data for applications in high spatial resolution, for example for urban planning and construction schemes and also for the analysis of potential impacts of climate change on the level of city quarters and cities. Furthermore, such numerical and empirical-statistical procedures are applied to the projection of future water resources in glaciated catchments in high alpine environments worldwide. This also leads to applications regarding the future state of snow covers in mountain ranges which is especially important for questions of future prospects of snow sport tourism. In both fields of applications, the urban climatology and the cryospheric research, measurement strategies and data acquisition of relevant atmospheric variables for the projects are used besides theoretical modelling approaches and downscaling as outlined above.

Scientific Services
  • automatic weather stations
  • turbulence stations
  • devices for particulate matter and ultrafine particles
  • mobile sensoring techniques for meteorological parameters
  • measurement van as platform of mentioned instrumentation
  • Study of the potential and feasibility for large solar power plants on the Iberian Peninsula and in Northern Africa for a large German solar power panel  manufacturer (2005)
  • Study of the projections of impacts of climate change on snow sport in German low moutain ranges for the German Association of Skiing Clubs and the German Federal Secretary of Research and Education (2008)
  • Urban climate analysis for construction schemes for the City of Aachen (2006-2012)
  • Climate change adaptation plans for cities in North Rhine-Westphalia (2014, 2015)
Profilbild Arampatzis
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Sports Sciences

Trainings and Movement Sciences

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zebris Medical GmbH, myon AG, Simi Reality Motion Systems GmbH


Prof. Arampatzis and his Department of Training and Movement Sciences are dealing with the interaction of the neural and musculoskeletal system in research and teaching. Of special interest for Prof. Arampatzis is the adaptation of the neural and musculoskeletal system by mechanical stress and its influence on human performance as well as motor control and motion security. Through an integrative approach of biomechanics, physiology and neuroscience, consequences for athletes and for people with degenerative changes of the neural and musculosceletal systems will be deduced. The main research focus of the department is on quantifying and changing the neuro-biomechanical potential of humans and on the investigation of its influence on the mobility in everyday life and sports. Considering this, the department also investigates the role of sports activities in order to prevent accidents and to preserve the quality of life for the elderly and people with chronic diseases.

Scientific Services

The departments offers three large laboratories with modern sports science equipment:

  • Motion Analysis Laboratory with a VICON system including twelve cameras and three AMTI force plates. Both the foundations of the force platforms as well as the camera mounts are decoupled from the sports ground of the laboratory to prevent the transmission of vibrations.
  • Force Diagnostic Laboratory with DAVID and Technogym strength diagnostics equipment for all major muscle groups
  • EMG laboratory with a Biodex System-3 and an Esaote ultrasound machine, which is used to study the muscle-tendon plasticity. To control the joint angle at the Biodex camera, mounts are available for installing eight VICON cameras. A large LCD-Screen provides the possibility for biofeedback. All labs are air-conditioned and are equipped with an uninterruptible power supply and complete darkening.
  • zebris Medical GmbH: evaluation of pressure distribution measurements in treadmills
  • myon AG: evaluation of a wireless electromyography system aiming to quantify muscle activation
  • Simi Reality Motion Systems GmbH: evaluation of a 3D motion capture system designed to analyse complex human movements