Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF)

Professor Staab
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences

Sociology of Future of Labour

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Prof. Staab's research combines topics of labor, social structure analysis, sociology of technology and political economy in a contemporary analytical perspective. Currently, Prof. Staab is particularly involved with questions of the political shaping of digital capitalism, the connection between digitalization and sustainability, as well as the role of critical infrastructures for the future viability of modern societies. The professor pursues a theory-oriented, present-diagnostic sociology in the context of social change, conflict, and inequality, which always seeks dialogue with the public.

Scientific Services
  • consulting,
  • drafting of studies and
  • policy papers as well as presentations


on important current topics in the areas of society, politics and economics, in particular digitalization and sustainability as well as work. The focus is on future developments of society as well as political and economic options for action.

  • Organizing and conducting several conferences with a large political foundation
  • Writing a policy study for a large labor union
  • Advising members of parliament, ministries as well as the European Commission
Profilbild Prof. Tschorsch
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Computer Science

Computer Engineering

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industrial companies and research institutions
security company


Prof. Florian Tschorsch and his team research interests revolve around the analysis and design of distributed systems, in particular network architectures and communication protocols. Here, the inherent implementation of data protection and security requirements in a networked environment represents the overarching research goal. Furthermore, the interaction with other system properties such as resilience, scalability, performance and decentralization is considered. Within this framework, topics such as anonymity or weak identities, data privacy, telemetry infrastructures, peer-to-peer networks, and blockchain technologies are explored.

In addition to this technical expertise, the team is also experienced in collaborating on a wide range of interdisciplinary projects, for example in exchanges with lawyers, economists, and data analysts.

Scientific Services
  • Threat modeling with regard to data protection, data security and network security
  • Network measurements and simulations
  • Design and analysis of resilient distributed systems and algorithms
  • Consulting on the handling of unauthenticated digital identities
  • Consulting on the use and integration of blockchain technologies
  • Project work in interdisciplinary teams consisting of industrial companies and research institutions
  • Cooperation with a security company on the topic of digital identities and IT infrastructures
  • Implementation of pilot projects in real applications
  • Mentoring or consulting for startups and companies in the area of network security and blockchains
Prof. Danilov
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration


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Professor Danilov is engaged in empirical human resource management research, as well as the identification of causal relationships of the effect of human resource management tools on employee motivation and productivity. She also conducts research in organizational and human resource economics, in the field of empirical human resource management (HRM), and in the course of this she works with Big Data and People Analytics using machine learning.


Scientific Services
  • randomized studies (A/B tests) on incentive setting
  • work design and employee motivation
  • analysis of data (accounting, personnel, etc.)
  • "Delegation of decision making and productivity and employee satisfaction" at a world-leading energy company.
Profilbild Pinkwart
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Computer Science

Computer Science Education / Computer Science and Society

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Prof. Pinkwart’s research group investigates a range of topics including adaptive educational technologies, computer supported collaborative learning, computer science education methods (especially in the fields of programming and modeling), social media and cooperative systems, and socio-technical systems. In addition, they develop multimodal human-computer interaction methods using interactive surfaces, mobile devices and 3D technologies. Prof. Pinkwart is a well-known member of numerous national and international committees and projects in basic and applied research. His team can offer specialised expertise in computer-assisted education and training, especially in the field of mobile and ubiquitous learning and teaching scenarios, computer-based group learning methods, and adaptive mechanisms in e-learning. In this context, Prof. Pinkwart and his team realise numerous research projects and co-operate with several educational institutions and companies. Concerning socio-technical systems, Prof. Pinkwart’s team conducts research on issues of design, implementation and evaluation of group-oriented software applications (e.g. online communities).

Scientific Services
  • interactive table (multi-touch)
  • electronic boards
  • tablets (20x)
  • co-operation with IT companies: consulting for didactical concepts applied to online courses in the fields of media production and e-learning
  • co-operation with e-learning companies: formation of study groups in large online courses
  • co-operation with automotive supplier: designing human-machine interfaces for production machines 
  • co-operation with automotive manufacturer: multimodal control concepts for car infotainment systems
Profilbild Freytag
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Computer Science

Databases and Information Systems

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Prof. Freytag holds the chair of Databases and Information Systems (DBIS). His research interests include all aspects of processing and query optimisation in (object-)relational database systems, developments related to databases (such as semi-structured or graph based data), data quality, big data analyses as well as privacy support in database and information systems. Furthermore, Prof. Freytag is involved in many cooperations using database technology for applications such as geoinformation systems (GIS), bioinformatics, physics and life sciences. In the past, he received the IBM Faculty Award four times for collaborative work concerning databases, middleware, and bioinformatics/life sciences. In 2009 and 2010, Prof. Freytag won the HP Labs Innovation Research Award for his research in the field of databases and cloud computing. He was one of the organisers of the VLDB (Very Large Data Bases) conference in Berlin in 2003, the most important international database conference. From 2001 to 2007, he was a member of the VLDB foundation (VLDB Endowment Inc.). Since 2009, Prof. Freytag has been the spokesperson of the department DBIS of the German Informatics Society (GI).

Scientific Services
  • Large IBM Server Linux/AIX with DBMS IBM DB2
  • Computer cluster with 128 cores
  • 30TB storage capacity
  • Renowned American IT/DBMS manufacturer: improving existing database management systems (DBMSs) in the area of query optimisation; extending existing ETL tools
  • Renowned American IT/DBMS manufacturer: extending DBMS functionality; designing and prototyping performance improvements in query processing; suggestions for future extension of the DBMS products
  • Well known German software manufacturer: continuous consulting in the area of database systems, spe-cifically, query processing over several years to improve performance and functionality
  • Well known German company: design and implementation of a query processing optimiser for the Lighweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) product of this company
  • Consulting for various SMEs in Germany in the area of data modeling and process modeling using a state-of-the-art DBMS technology; using DBMS technology within their own products; strategic consulting for a long term use of DBMS technology